
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog-hop party

Blog-hop Party started today and will last till November 26! Hosted and managed by generous and lovely person - Michele Foster on her website Quilting gallery.

I just hopped to this event this morning6 sorry my give-away gift is in the oven yet! But will be cooked pretty soon! Follow my blog and you will have a chance to win the gift! Yes, I will ship it internationally too! I will randomly pick one winner on November 26th late night and inform you immediately! So keep your fingers crossed and patiently wait!

Don't forget to visit other blogs in our great blog-hop party here.

My blog is in Russian language but you can copy and paste the name of the blog in Google or Bing search and you will find there "Translate this page". I will be thinking about posting my blog in English too7 Thanks everybody for attention and have fun!!!!

Сегодня после обеда начинается грандиозная гулянка по блогам - Blog-hop Party, организованная Michel Foster на её сайте Quilting Gallery. Приглашаются все желающие!!!
Если честно, пока не успела разобраться, но я подписалась, что согласна выслать что-то в подарок, включая международную почту! Пока не знаю, кто выбирает получателя, то ли я сама, то ли мне выберут счастливчика, но раз уж пообещала и подписалась, то отступать некуда! Нужно придумать, что предложить для розыгрыша до 26-го ноября. Пост буду обновлять по мере получения информации, так что не забывайте возвращаться и подсматривать! Ждите результатов!!!!

p.s. В следующем посте покажу приз. Для того, чтобы принять участие в розыгрыше, вам нужно присоединиться к участникам блога, стать его читателем и написать об этом в комментариях. 


  1. I tried to change the language of your blog to English but it does not offer English so I cannot read your blog? :(

  2. I would love to see your blog and read it . But their is no translation to English button.

  3. Love your pictures, especially the tulips at the top of your page. Unable to translate to English though. I am here for the party. Thanks for sharing. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com.

  4. Oooh, a surprise prize. LOL
    On all the other hops I have been on, the blogger chooses who wins. Thanks for participating.

  5. Lovely blog! Thank you for the surprise! its always the best!

  6. I can't translate this but absolutely love the Singer machine.

  7. I love surprises. Count me in =)
    I can read your blog just fine. Pity others can't.

  8. i love surprises!! thank you for your giveaway

  9. Sorry I can't read your blog. But I did enjoy the pictures.

  10. Thank you for participating in the blog hop. Surprises are always good.

  11. Always nice to have a surprise. I found the translate button on the top of the post.

  12. Who doesn't love a surprise?! Thanks for joining the hop!

  13. I love surprises too! Your blog is translating fine for me :)
    Thank you for the chance.

  14. Copy her blog and then use google translate to read it, simple copy and paste. Thank you for having us over. I love surprises and I'm sure yours will be a dandy. Happy Thanksgiving from Missouri, USA

  15. I am sorry I was unable to read your blog, your pics look very interesting

  16. Your work is beautiful. Thank you so much for your giveaway.

  17. Thanks for the chance to win your give away and visit your site.

  18. Hi, everybody!!!!!! Thanks for responses! I will try to help you with translation: go to, copy and paste the name of my blog - , when you are on Google search page you're supposed to see Translate this blog6 click on it and wait a second! Let me know if it works! If not6 I will try to figure out another way! Keep in touch! Thanks a lot for joining blog-hop party and for ATTEMPT ha-ha to read my blog! Love you all!!!

  19. Да!!! От желающих отбоя нет!! Я скромненько посижу в кустиках и подожду результата!!! )))

  20. Love the sewing machine and cabinet in your header.

  21. yeah! we figured it out how to read the blog. It is lovely. thanks for being a part of the blog hop.

  22. Vicki H , thank you! My husband restored this sewing table for me and I put my Featherweight on it! I think it works well together!

  23. Yeah! We figured out how to read your blog. It is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I just right clicked and used Bing to translate your blog, worked fine. Surprise giveaways are great, you never know if you're getting some fabric,a pattern or something the blogger made. Always so much fun to find out. As for the way to pick a winner, just put all the names in a hat and draw one out! Wishing you a great Thanksgiving from Missouri! I'm now following your blog!

  25. Debra Kay Neiman, thanks! I love my tulips too! Freezer paper piecing is one of my favorite technique!
    Jeanne Gwin you're right! I told abt this way to translate just sec before!
    Hello from Tennessee! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! Hope yu will have the tastiest turkey ever!!! But for now let's wait who wins! By the way, I got to prepare my giveaway gift! And I will!!!

  26. Thank you, girls! You might also like our forum for those who love quilting - , you need to register there to be able to read and participate. So far there is only russian audience on the forum, but if you look at the last topic - American quiltess, welcome! On the left panel you can also find a link to my store - but you know - that's all optional, just for fun!!!! Let's concentrate now on the PARTY and GIFTS!!!! YAY!!!!

  27. You have a beautiful and informative blog.

  28. Could not understand your lanquage, but loved seeing the posts. Would like to win.

  29. Thank you! As ladies already said in their posts you can use Google or Bing to translate it! Try it again! I might start posting my blog in English since I have this nice and attentive english speaking audience! I like your comments which makes the blog ALIVE! I never had that many comments ever, doesn't matter how much I wrote and how informative it was. I am really surprised and pleased! Thank you all!!!


  30. Well, let me tell you something: i just submitted one of my quilts for the next contest Thanksgiving quilts - which starts tomorrow at the same place Quilting gallery!!! It's called "Scarecrows just love me!" I hope you can recognize it if you go to my album (left panel of my blog). If you like it, please vote tomorrow!!!

  31. Thanks, Natasha. Your instructions to get the translation worked. I'll come back to read more on your blog. Appreciate your giveaway, whatever you choose it to be!

  32. Thanks for the chance to win a mystery prize :-) so fun!

  33. Yep! Mystery so far.... but I will pick it up soon! Promise!!!

  34. Hello from Australia!

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
    Pink Scissors Design on Etsy

  35. gfc follower: nicolesender
    love your postage stamp quilt!

  36. Your flower quilt looks so pretty behind your Featherweight machine.

  37. I wish there was an "English" choice in the translation section! My son speaks Russian but since he is in Russia at the present time, I can't use him!

  38. Thank you! Aout translation, please fead comments above! Technically you CAN read it translated! Yes!

  39. I am a new folllower :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. new follower & pleased to meet you & visit your site:)

  41. I was able to get a translation, no problem! Love your blog header; do you ever sew with a treadle machine?

  42. Your tulip quilt in the header is simply stunning! blessings, marlene

  43. I love surprises! I love your header for your blog.
    I follow by gf


  44. Thank you for participating in the blog hop. Off to translate.

  45. I'm always in for a mystery prize! I follow you on GFC. Thanks for offering!

  46. OK! I picked up the prize!!! Yay!!!! Waiting for daylight to take a picture, will post it tomorrow!

  47. Unable to translate to English @ this time. Your tulip quilt in the
    header is beautiful!! Love the
    treadle & Featherweight, too. Thanks
    for the chance to win. Take care!

  48. No English translation but that is a beautiful header.


  49. Everybody who wants to translate it and read in Enflish, please read comments above! It's POSSIBLE!!!!

  50. Подарок еще в духовке? Что-то вкусненькое? Есть опасения , что Почта России не справится..))

  51. I love a surprise! Thanks for participating and for a chance at your giveaway.

  52. Hello, newcomers! Thanks everybody for complementing about my header and my lovely Featherweight! I don't use it asa treadle machine, table is just good for decoration and perfect for this little machine with motor, which doesn't require treadle. I use it mostly when I go sewing to our guild, otherwise I used my Pfaff 4.0, Janome, Husquarna, Brother and another simple Singer. I posted already my giveaway gifts, you're welcome to see them and wait for the winner!
    Марина, это у нас выражение такое, если что-то еще еще не готово, в пути, на подходе, как пирог в духовке! Кстати, так же говорят, когда ждут ребёночка, ожидают, когда будет готовенький! Так что опасений в сторону, никаких продуктов!

  53. I, too, love your wall hanging. It is so realistic. This blog hop and giveaways is fantastic.

  54. I can't get your blog to translate to English. Will give it a tryin a few days to see if it will work.

  55. Hi, Don! Thank you! It's a freezer paper piecing, pattern by Cynthia England. You can go here and see my tutorial about those tulips and technique&

  56. What fun! My pad doesn't like the translation so no idea what this says will have to try my sons desktop

  57. OK! Have fun! And come back! Since now I am planning to publish my blog posts in two languages - English and Russian, sometimes the whole post is gona be bilingual, sometimes not.
    By the way - my give-away gifts are already published in my next post - You are welcome! And dont forget to follow me and leave a comment! Good luck!!!

  58. I am a new follower. Thanks for doing both languages now! Look forward to read more!

  59. I have not been able to read the English translation, but I like the pictures. The tulips are beautiful.

  60. I like the way your heart table topper can be rearranged and the shape becomes an oval. Very clever. svonfumetti(at)yahoo(dot)com

  61. Tried to get the translation to English, but couldn't. Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop give away though.
    Rae (

  62. On all the other hops I have been on, the blogger chooses who wins. I really like surprises! Thanks for the chance to win!

  63. I was unable to translate your blog. But I love surprises and a chance to win would be fun.

  64. I cut and paste your posts into Google translate and I have followed your blog.
    I love your Singer machine - do you know what year it was made in?? I have an old one that was made in 1915 and there were only 2 million of them ever made (apparently they made 1 million a year in 1914 and 1915 and then changed the design)
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

  65. Mhairi my Featherweigh is 1951, perfect shape, working excellent, I love it!!! I wrote earlier post about history of Singer machines in Russia - If you're interested, I can email you an English version of it from magazine. Here's my translation. I am also interpreter, by the way...

  66. I follow via bloglovin!

  67. Thanks for the chance for the giveaway! Spasibo bolshoye!

  68. Anyone need be to call my daughter and have her come translate? I have 4 children adopted from Russia and I don't understand much and speak none of the language! The kids have been here a bit over 7 years and the oldest is great at translating! She has earned her high school diploma, gotten a driver's license and done 2 years of college and now is working 2 jobs so she can try living on her own! The others aren't quite so independent but are also doing great. Youngest is 14 with fetal alcohol disorder and has been quite a challenge but is cruising right along this year. The other 2 girls have babies and all the associated problems of young motherhood and trying to work. I am so thankful for my miracle family that God has given me and we are blessed!

  69. Es muy difícil traducir .Me encanto que todavía estaba cocinando el regalo.
    1000 cariños.

  70. Wow I love the wall hanging with the tulips and ewer. Very lovely!

  71. I'll have to try that Google trick. It sounds like fun. ll_gee at hotmail dot com

  72. Thank You For A Chance To Win You Mystery Oven Gift.

  73. Thank you for a chance to win a mystery gift.

  74. thank you for the opportunity to see your website. new to me

  75. Hi, I am having trouble translating your blog to English. I hope to get it fixed soon. T%hanks for being part of the hop.
